Is your business suffering from severe blog neglect?


I know what it is to run a small business. And when it comes to marketing budgets, many have no choice but to live hand-to-mouth. A struggling cash flow often means marketing is the first thing to go. It’s counterproductive, but needs must.

However, there’s one tool most businesses already have at their disposal, which is often left to stagnate. It can make a significant contribution to your public profile, keep you in touch with your customers, and make it easy for people to find you online. It can even lead to sales.

So, if you can only invest in one thing from your marketing shopping list, make sure it’s a blog.

If you leave your website content lying dormant for too long, the search engines, and your customers, will start to ignore you. Constantly refreshing your web content provides five key marketing benefits and blogging is the best way to achieve them. With regular blogs, we can:

  1. BOOST SEO to maximise your chances of being found in online searches
  2. ENGAGE with your customers in a more conversational, less corporate way
  3. BUILD A REPUTATION by offering comment and opinion on issues affecting your industry
  4. RAISE AWARENESS of your brand by making it human and relatable
  5. SHARE the blogs in your social media and email campaigns, giving you maximum value for money

I have introduced Blog99 to help you fall back in love with your neglected blog – sign up for £99 a month and get regular fortnightly blogs. It’s the most affordable way to raise your profile.


We’ll chat about possible subject matter. Once the ideas are in the bag, you’ll send me a few links or bullet points, so I can do some research and get scribbling. That’s it.


Your once inactive website, is now updated fortnightly. Google loves you!! Your customers haven’t abandoned you. And you have built up a bank of great marketing material that can be used in lots of other ways too.

Like the sound of that? Drop me a line for a no-obligation chat.